
Did you know Atlanta has always been moving forwards and backwards?

Ever since it was founded in 1994 Atlanta has seen unprecented growth while simultaneously remaining nobody's destiation for vacation

The Atlanta Breves are a baseball team that once had players such as:

They won the championship and got to ride in a real neat bus downtown (for free!)

The olympics came to town in 1996 and boy were they a hit

Kerri Struggle for Team Atlanta broke her foot and jumped off the horse to land a perfect 10!

Also these olympics had coins you could collect in cereal boxes and boy were those as neat as the games themselves


It used to have cocaine in it but now it just has high fruktose corn syrup - yum!

This guy is hilarious and all his movies are filmed in Atlanta - all 500 of them!

(I know what you're thinking - isn't that an old woman? Nope! It's a man dressed up like one! Told ya it was funny!)

NBA Jam was the best video game ever!

Feel like chunking your corndogs up? Six Flags is the place for you!

If you have ever seen this commercial you can hear the music now in your head - sorry! It probably will be there for the next 4 weeks

alright alright alright alright! (the Andre 3000 version not Matthew McConihay)

Atlanta has a lot of rappers and 2chainz has the best wink of them all!

Make sure to check out his spotify channel when your parents aren't in the room

Just Atlanta It!

Hey! This isn't my Urkel + Jesse Katsapolis Fanpage! What's this doing over here?! ;p